Monday, December 28, 2015

Perfect Coloring Book for Adults

Adult coloring books are all the rage right now. 
I know that I received two personally for Christmas gifts this year, my daughter received two, my sister one or two, and my mom also received one. 
I must admit that I love coloring. I always have. Whenever my daughter (she's six, but loves the sophsticated designs in the adult books) asks me to choose something to do, I would without a doubt always choose coloring. I've always found it relaxing and this year when everyone else seemed to catch on board, I was more than pleased to jump in on the action!
When I first came across this book I found the designs beautiful and the words just as much so. Quotes are also popular, especially for me, and having the combination of the designs and words together seemed too perfect. 
I was right!
This coloring book has wonderful quotes and words that you can reflect on while coloring. Instead of mindlessly drifting away while filling in the pages, the words seem to sink into your head and you get a chance to really think. 
I received this book for myself and immediately when I opened it I knew that I had to get one for my sister. I quickly jumped onto Amazon and ordered one to give her with the rest of her Christmas gift. She was excited to see the designs as she flipped through the book after opening it. 
If you are looking for a book with great words to really make you think, and then allows you to occupy yourself by creating beautiful art...then this is the perfect book for you!

**I received this book from bloggingforbooks in exchange for an honest review**

Monday, August 24, 2015

First Grade for my Little Lady

Last night was tough.
It was bedtime and suddenly the reality of going back to school hit my daughter like a ton of bricks.
All of August, whenever asked if she was ready for school, she would answer that she is very excited to go back! I mean, that's the right answer.
But last night the excitement faded.
Nervousness snuck its way into her body.

Look at that adorable smile this morning before we loaded up and headed to the elementary school! Adorable!

Last night however, that face was full of tears. 
Sad tears because she would be away from her mama all day.
Scared tears because she doesn't know her teacher.
Nervous tears because she doesn't know a lot of the kids her class yet.
Worried that we wouldn't be there to pick her up on time after school.

I tried all the usual mommy lines.
"You'll be okay. I'll be there to pick you up as soon as the day is over."
"Everyone is going to be scared and nervous, too."
"Your teacher is super sweet! Remember at back to school night, she was so nice."
None of those lines were helping.
Then she broke my heart.

"Do you think Grandpa will be proud of me for being in first grade?"

She then proceeded to ask for the 5x7 photograph of my grandparents that she has sitting on her nightstand. Not sure what she was going to do, she hugged the picture, then laid the frame down next to her on her pillow and said, "I just wish Grandpa was here to see me go to school."
Tears came out of my eyes so quickly I had no time to react. 
She saw me crying. Which is okay. I never try to hide my tears from her. It's just she was so upset, I didn't want to make it worse for her.

I assured her that Grandpa IS so proud of her, even though he isn't physically here. He lives in her heart and he will be with her all day during her first day of school
She then asked if Grandma would be and if Grandpa Randy would be also.
I assured her that they would be right there with her.
"I wish I knew Grandma and Grandpa Randy. You love them so much, I just want to know them." she told me. 
Grandpa Randy is what she calls my dad. He died when I was fifteen, so she obviously never got the chance to meet him. Then my Grandma died just six months after him. Grandpa to her, is really her great-grandpa - the guy who took over raising my after dad and grandma passed on. Grandpa was her biggest supporter. 
She satisfied by my answer. Gave each of their faces a kiss on the glass in the frame and handed me the picture to place back in its spot.
All at once she seemed a bit better. 
I kissed her again and left her room after telling her about twenty more times how much I love her. 

A short while later she showed up in my bed and asked to just snuggle a bit. I couldn't say no to her, and she fell asleep within moments of lying down.

This morning she woke up eager and excited to go to school! 
"I don't think I will cry after all." she said through a mouthful of Cocoa Pebbles cereal. 
She then made sure we had her sparkly earrings and necklace on, a new pink and brown leather bracelet she just got at the Girl Scout store on her wrist and her new ankle boots on her feet. We took our snapshots and she was ready to go!

On our way to school she was all smile. Especially when we came across a friend and her mom walking to school. By the time we parked and crossed the crosswalk, we met up and all walked into the building together. 
Here's the thing that made it so much more special to me. 
The friend's great-grandpa was walking with them also. He was videotaping it all. The girls walking, stopping for this snapshot:

And being part of the big first day of first grade morning.
The great-grandpa happens to be one of the guys my grandpa considered a dear friend. 
The man was at my wedding. He was part of my childhood when I would tag along to "coffee club" with my grandpa. 
I never said anything, I just let him do his thing, knowing in some way my grandpa is part of this special day, just like I promised my daughter. A dear friend is enough for me. 
No tears were shed from my girl or from me (especially not my hubs who was eager to get out and start shooting clay pigeons on this beautiful day), until now. When I am sitting and thinking about how wonderful it is that my girl knows her heart is bursting with love from those who aren't here with us physically. Tonight I'll let her know that her friend's grandpa was also a friend of her grandpa and I know she will see the special connection. 

Go rock the first grade, Sophia. Your sense of humor, natural empathy, mix of sweetness, shyness and orneriness will take you far in life. I am so proud of you already. Your dad is so proud of you. We all are. Your light is bright and you make life beautiful.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The No More Excuses Diet by Maria Kang

I have spent many years always creating fitness goals for myself...only to fail. After reading Maria Kang's book "the No More Excuses Diet" I realize how my goals were always doomed to fail from the start. 
I never really laid out a plan for myself on just how I would reach my weight-loss goals. I just said to myself "I'm going to lose X amount of pounds by such-and-such date." That was it. I mentally told myself I would consume less, work out more, and yet it never ever happened. The lifestyle change is overwhelming and I never wanted to see it as something that was hard to do - or that I was actually going to be overhauling my entire eating/exercising habits that have been ingrained in me for as long as I can remember. 
The 3-day, then 3-week, and finally 3-month approach is realistic. I have always heard that it takes 21 days to create a habit, so it makes sense that breaking down the diet/exercise goals into segments works. 
Kang's tips on actually marking the goal dates on a calendar is so simple, yet something I never really bothered doing before. 
Everything is helpful in this book. I know it is going to be hard, and she doesn't sugar-coat that it will be. 
I have read the book in it's entirety, marking the points I wanted to remember, and now I am going back taking it step-by-step. I just completed the 3-days and am working towards the 3-week mark. So far so good. I am anxious to finish my first 3 weeks and continue on. It is obtainable and Maria Kang's words repeat over-and-over until you understand the importance of eliminating the sugars (giving up the soda a day or the dessert every night), but these things can still be enjoyed - as long as you know how to work for it. 
I've never bought a diet book before, nor actually read one - but this is one that I feel works, and it doesn't eliminate foods from your diet (such as Atkins) or make you do crazy things (juice fasts), instead it focuses on your own personal goal and teaching you how to zero in on it and reach it.

*I received this book from in exchange for an honest review*